Many individuals across the country choose automobiles as their favored means of travel. This type of transportation offers many comforts to an individual travelling from place to place, but there are some risks involved. A driver may choose to strictly adhere to...
A Skilled Team Of Personal Injury Attorneys
Month: March 2017
Coal mine accidents focus of new proposed legislation
Years ago, workplace accidents were a common occurrence. An individual went to work in one of the West Virginia coal mines knowing that there was a possibility an accident would occur and he would not make it out. Fortunately, times and working conditions have...
Head-on motor vehicle accidents in West Virginia often deadly
Many individuals are seriously injured by negligent drivers every year. In some cases, motor vehicle accidents of this nature can turn deadly. No matter how safe a person is while driving, the negligence of another party can put his or her health at risk. A recent...
Woman files products liability lawsuit after implant failed
Many individuals across the country have had a medical device implanted to assist with a health condition. When forced to undergo a similar procedure, patients in West Virginia expect the device to be safe and to function properly. A faulty device can cause a medical...