If someone in your family that you rely on for support – financially and emotionally – dies suddenly and unexpectedly, it can impact your life in many ways and for a long time. In fact, it may cause serious emotional turmoil for you and your whole family. In most...
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Wrongful Death
West Virginia has complex wrongful death laws
In most American regions, an immediate family member of a wrongful death victim has the right to file a claim. For example, the spouse or adult child is typically the party that seeks legal action. However, the law is considerably different in West Virginia. Here, the...
3 kinds of damages you can seek in a wrongful death claim
The unexpected death of a loved one will impact many areas of your life. It will likely cause severe emotional turmoil for you and other members of your immediate family. Your loss will likely also have economic consequences. Wrongful death lawsuits in West Virginia...
The basics of a West Virginia wrongful death claim
It’s always difficult to handle a loved one’s premature death, but it’s especially hard when you know that death was utterly avoidable. A wrongful death claim won’t restore your loved one to you, but it may bring a measure of justice to their memory and help hold...
The spike in fatal accidents in 2020 was concerning
If you had to guess, would you say that car accident deaths went down last year? Maybe you’ve been studying the trends, so you know that they have been falling for decades. Maybe you just realize that people traveled far less in 2020, so it makes sense that the fatal...
Accidents are more likely to be fatal on these roads
There are a lot of factors that go into whether or not a car crash will be fatal. Speed is a big one, as faster crashes carry greater risks. Seat belt use also makes a major difference, as does the age of the vehicles involved. One thing you really want to consider,...
Auto-pedestrian crash may result in wrongful death suit
Many West Virginia residents include walking as part of their regular routine, whether for health purposes or as a method of transportation. Certainly, anyone participating in this type of activity understands the risks involved, especially when walking routes include...
When should a family pursue a wrongful death claim?
The loss of a loved one can be devastating, and it can leave a West Virginia family with unexpected expenses and financial losses. If the death of a family member was the result of the reckless or negligent actions of another party, it is possible those left behind...
Woman files wrongful death suit on behalf of brother
Losing a family member can be one of the most difficult situations a person must deal with. In some cases, there can be feelings of anger and regret if the deceased was the victim of a wrongful death. In similar circumstances, some West Virginia residents choose to...
Teen’s family files wrongful death suit
Summer vacation is drawing to a close, and West Virginia teens are trying to squeeze in a few more days of fun before the academic year begins. Parents should be aware that having teenage guests at their house can lead to trouble or tragedy if proper supervision is...