Fracking Failures
Ruined water wells and ponds, damaged roads, damaged homes, excessive traffic, noise, dust and fumes from well flares are all the results of hydraulic fracturing (fracking). When you live in the country, you expect to enjoy quiet peacefulness, clean water, fresh air, dark nights and privacy.
On October 10, 2013,24 Salem area residents sued, saying that the fracking industry substantially hindered their quality of life. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of the residents by the law firm of Hill, Peterson, Carper, Bee & Deitzler. Defendants are Antero Resources, Antero Resources Bluestone and Hall Drilling, LLC.
Resource: Visit the WV Judiciary Marcellus Shale website
Court Documents
- Order Assigning Judges and Scheduling Status Conference, entered November 14, 2014
- Administrative Order Re: Motion to Refer Marcellus Shale Cases to the Mass Litigation Panel, entered November 12, 2014
- Notice of Hearing on Motions to Refer to the Mass LItigation Panel, entered July 31, 2014
- Administrative Order Re: Motion to Refer Marcellus Shale Cases to the Mass Litigation Panel, entered July 30, 2014
Fracking presents real risks to communities, including contamination of ground water and air quality, migration of gases and chemicals to the ground surface as well as surface contamination from spills or flowback. Some countries have banned fracking altogether, however, in the U.S., it is widely practiced and not properly regulated.
If you have experienced damage to your water, road or home, and have lost the enjoyment of your property due to the fracking industry, our experienced attorneys understand the legal issues in this type of complex litigation and will aggressively work to recover damages to which you may be entitled. Contact us for a review of your potential claim at no cost or obligation.
What is hydraulic fracturing or fracking?
Hydraulic fracturing, horizontal slickwater fracking or fracking is the process of extracting natural gas from underlying shale rock that is deep in the earth. The fracking process was first introduced in 1988 by injecting pressurized fracking fluid into rock to “crack” the shale formations to release more gas.
Fracking Facts
Fact #1:
Fracture treatments in coal bed methane wells use from 50,000 to 350,000 gallons of water per well, while deeper horizontal shale wells can use anywhere for 2 to 10 million gallons of water to fracture a single well.
Fact #2:
It has been estimated that the transportation of a million gallons of water (fresh or waste water) requires 200 truck trips.
Fact #3:
Conventional oil and gas wells use, on average, 300,000 pounds of proppant (solid material, typically treated sand or man-made ceramic materials, designed to keep an induced hydraulic fracture open, during or following a fracturing treatment), coal bed fracture treatments use anywhere from 75,000 to 320,000 pounds of proppant and shale gas wells can use more than 4 million pounds of proppant per well.
Fact #4:
In 2010, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimated that 70 to 140 billion gallons of water are used to fracture 35,000 wells in the United States each year. This is approximately the annual water consumption of 40 to 80 cities each with a population of 50,000.
Fact #5:
Between 1 and 8 million gallons of water is used per frack job, and each well can be fracked up to 18 times.
Fact #6:
Fracking has brought rampant environmental and economic problems to rural communities. Accidents and leaks have polluted rivers, streams and drinking water supplies. Regions peppered with drilling rigs have high levels of smog as well as other airborne pollutants, including potential carcinogens. Rural communities face an onslaught of heavy truck traffic — often laden with dangerous chemicals used in drilling — and declining property values. Spills often occur and pollute farm and grazing land.
Don’t let your country castle, property, family and way of life be a victim of the fracking industry. Fight back. Please contact us at any time for a no-cost, no-obligation review of your potential claim.
Related Links:
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Article “Drilling Water Wells is one Way to Foil the Frackers”
WV Surface Owners’ Rights Organization
Fox News — “Energy Boom Puts Wells in American’s Back Yards”
Wheeling News Register — “6,000-Gallon Drilling Spill Moves House, Enters Creek” — Ohio County