Hill Peterson Carper Bee & Deitzler PLLC

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Hill Peterson Carper Bee & Deitzler PLLC

A Skilled Team Of Personal Injury Attorneys

Hire A Trusted Charleston, WV Car Accident Lawyer

Car accidents have many causes: distracted drivers, vehicle malfunctions, weather conditions and other factors. Regardless of how the accident occurred, the victims of the crash are the ones left to deal with recovering and moving forward. If you, your family or a loved one has been injured, the attorneys at The Law Firm of Hill, Peterson, Carper, Bee & Deitzler, PLLC, will represent your interests in your motor vehicle accident claim. We can provide a car accident lawyer for personalized legal counsel and aggressive representation. Download our free accident guide.

You can count on us at any time. We recognize the hardships you are facing because of your injuries and will help you get the financial compensation you need to help pay for lost wages and medical bills.

Do you know what to do when a car crash happens? Learn how The Law Firm of Hill, Peterson, Carper, Bee & Deitzler, PLLC, can help.

Standing Up For Car Accident Victims

Our attorneys help people who have been injured in accidents involving:

We use our knowledge of the law and litigation experience to look at the facts of your case comprehensively. Our car accident lawyers have years of experience in personal injury, and over the years, we have become highly familiar with the medical aspects of different injuries. Understanding serious injuries help us best present evidence about the immediate and long-term care you will need.

Common Car Crash Questions

When and how should a person hire an attorney after a car wreck?

Your priority should be to seek medical attention. After you have taken care of yourself, you should contact an attorney as soon as possible to get started on your case. The sooner an attorney can act, the more evidence and witness statements they will be able to collect to help your case.

It would help if you looked for an attorney with significant experience with both car accidents and trying cases in the courtroom, and then contact them through a call or email. You should indicate this is a recent car accident. The attorney will want to hear details about the crash. After that, the attorney can decide to establish you as their client.

What if the other driver has no insurance?

If the injuries are severe, your attorney may be able to file a lawsuit and seek compensation from the at-fault party that caused the accident. They will be responsible for paying for your medical bills and property damage out of their own pocket. An attorney can take the case in front of a judge to ensure the uninsured driver pays what you are owed.

Can I afford to hire a lawyer after a car wreck?

Yes, if the attorney is reputable. They should first review your case for free and offer suggestions about how to progress or deny taking your case if they are not the right fit for you. From there, it should be on a contingent-fee basis, which means an attorney only is paid if the case recovers compensation. This way, you owe nothing unless you win the case. A good attorney will advise you of the strength of your case and provide a written fee and expense agreement.

When should a person contact the insurance company?

As soon as possible. If you fail to promptly contact your insurance company and report that you are involved in a car crash, you risk losing coverage from them.

How much is my auto accident claim worth?

This depends on the nuances of your case, but most successful cases cover the damage to the car and property and all your past and future medical bills. These numbers are easy to know once you see your bills. Compensation should also cover any lost income from missing work while you recover — another amount that is reasonably easy to calculate. Lastly, you can pursue compensation for pain and suffering, which is very difficult to estimate. Common cases range from the low thousands into tens of thousands of dollars. Catastrophic injuries or serious crashes can enter above the $100,000 range.

Contact Us To Learn More About Your Compensation

If you have been injured in a serious car accident case, you need competent legal representation. Hire an experienced car accident lawyer from the Law Firm of Hill, Peterson, Carper, Bee & Deitzler, PLLC, in Charleston, WV at 800-797-9730 to schedule a free initial consultation. Meetings can be scheduled at a time and place convenient for you.