Realizing that your loved one has been abused by the very people who are supposed to care for them is difficult. Once that happens, you’ll need to act on the information you have. The first thing you need to do is to ensure your loved one is (now) safe and has the...
A Skilled Team Of Personal Injury Attorneys
Personal Injury
What are the long-term costs of a serious injury in West Virginia?
If you are injured in a motor vehicle accident, it's easy to only think about the immediate costs associated with the accident, such as medical bills and lost wages. But the long-term costs of a serious injury can be much more far-reaching. Reduced mobility A serious...
Settling medical bills after a car accident
Car accidents in West Virginia can result in devastating injuries that be costly to treat. The circumstances surrounding the accident may affect who pays your medical bills. The person that pays Up front, you will be the one who will pay the medical bills for your...
Can you claim for PTSD after an accident?
If you survive a nasty accident, people might say you are lucky. While you are certainly more fortunate than anyone that died in the same incident, lucky is not the right word. Not only may you have severe injuries, which require expensive and prolonged medical...
Key elements of a personal injury lawsuit you must establish
Suffering any form of injury can be an emotional and stressful experience. If you believe the injury resulted from someone else’s reckless or negligent acts, you may consider suing the at-fault party for damages. However, there are key elements that must be...
Why do spinal injuries require massive compensation?
Injuring your spine in an accident means life will never be the same again. You probably know that, but you might not understand to what extent. The National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center (NSCISC) offers some statistics to help you understand why adequate...
How often do surgeons leave objects inside patients?
Few medical mistakes have received more media attention than surgeons accidentally leaving items behind in patients. The medical mistake has long been a punchline of television shows. Some people may not realize how very real the risk is of a surgical mistake...
Why growth plate fractures in kids require special care
Broken bones are a part of growing up for many kids. Most fractures aren’t serious and heal after some time in a cast. However, when a growth plate is involved, the consequences can be more significant – particularly if the fracture isn’t treated correctly. That’s...
Burned out doctors can pose a risk to their patients’ health
Does your doctor seem like they’re “checked out” even when they’re in the room with you? Do they seem inattentive, distracted and unable to remember important details about your condition? Your doctor may be suffering from burnout. Despite all the years they may have...
How dangerous is medical malpractice?
Medical malpractice can take many forms, but the most common is when a doctor negligently makes an avoidable error and does not give a patient the level of care that they deserve or should have expected. This can lead to injuries and even fatalities. You know that...