If you watch the news, then you’ll note the announcement of drug recalls is quite common. While it may initially be frightening to learn that a drug manufacturer or government regulators are recalling your medication, It’s not always a life or death scenario.
Medication recalls are quite common in the United States. They happen roughly every week. You may find it helpful to learn more about the different recalls that exist and what you should do when manufacturers or regulators issue one.
What are the different types of drug recalls that exist?
There are different classes of drug recalls. These include:
- Class I recalls: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifies any products subject to such recalls as dangerous or defective. The federal agency considers any drug that falls into this category as capable of causing a patient serious health problems or death.
- Class II recalls: These are the most common type of recall. The FDA considers any medications subject to such a recall as having the potential of causing a patient temporary health setbacks. The FDA warns that these recalls only pose a slightly serious threat to human life, though.
- Class III recalls: These are the least serious of all recalls. These are recalls of drugs that are unlikely to cause patients health complications. These recalls instead violate manufacturing laws or FDA labeling standards.
You shouldn’t stop taking a prescription drug that regulators or manufacturers recall but instead immediately reach out to your doctor or pharmacist to determine what steps you should take.
What to know about pharmaceutical injury claims
Proving liability in pharmaceutical injury cases is necessary to file a successful claim. You may want to read over our defective and dangerous drugs FAQs page. The information contained on that page may aid you in better understanding your rights to compensation if you’ve been harmed by a bad drug.