With warmer weather closing in, individuals in West Virginia and elsewhere might choose to walk from place to place for a variety of reasons. Whether to save on gas prices or just for enjoyment, this means of transportation offers numerous benefits, but there could be some safety concerns. Although crosswalks and traffic lights can increase pedestrian safety, accidents do occur. Many of them are catastrophic, and some result in civil claims for wrongful death.
A recent accident took the life of a woman who was apparently out walking on a recent Thursday night. According to reports, she was hit by a vehicle while crossing the street at an intersection. Upon arrival, emergency responders noted that she was lying in a crosswalk, and that she died shortly after the accident. The driver apparently told authorities that she noticed something in the road, but was unable to react in time to avoid a collision.
Although no charges have been filed so far, the accident is still under investigation, according to police. In areas with little light, it can be difficult to see someone who is out walking. However, pedestrians have the right of way when using a crosswalk, and using caution when approaching these areas could reduce the possibility of a similar tragedy.
With little in the way of protection, pedestrian vs. vehicle accidents often end in disaster, leaving surviving family members to suffer an untimely loss. If the driver of a motor vehicle is deemed at fault regarding such an accident, the victim’s family could choose to seek compensation accordingly, though the process can be complex. When facing such a loss, a victim’s family will often retain the services of an attorney in West Virginia for guidance and assistance in pursuing a wrongful death claim.
Source: wsaz.com, “UPDATE: Name released in fatal pedestrian accident in Charleston“, May 26, 2017