Websites With C8/PFOA Information
Click on the links below to locate additional C8/PFOA information:
Go to the Environmental Health News website search box and type in C8 or PFOA. Either term can be searched to get the most recent news regarding C8 or PFOA. The Environmental Health News people do an amazing job of catching almost every news story worldwide. In addition, the search results include a brief summary of each document.
2. US Environmental Protection Agency
This is the link to search for basic EPA public information concerning PFOA (C8) and related telomers. Be aware, however, that much information filed with the EPA does not make it to this public site. Some documents require a specific request to certain EPA officials. Also, sometimes corporations file damaging documents in obscure branches of the EPA so that the documents are technically filed, but extremely difficult for the public to locate.
This is a website created and maintained by the science panel that was formed as a result of the class action settlement. It provides a basic summary of the science panel and its work.
4 .WVU Data Hosting for C8 Health Project
The Brookmar C8 health project data was compiled and reported by scientists at the West Virginia University Robert C. Byrd Health Sciences Center. The project itself encompassed millions of columns of data, all of which would be effectively meaningless to the class members without mathematical compilation. West Virginia University specialists under the leadership of Alan M. Ducatman, M. D., MSc, Professor and Chair of the Department of Community Medicine at the West Virginia University School of Medicine did the relevant compilations and subsequently published multiple professional papers related to the data.
5. Environmental Working Group
The Environmental Working Group is a non-profit public information organization that specializes in providing useful resources to consumers while simultaneously pushing for national policy change. Environmental Working Group has done periodic research regarding PFOA/C8. The EWG information is easily located on its website by going to the chemical index subsection and clicking on PFCs/Teflon.
6. C-8 Medical Monitoring Program
This website was created by the court-approved, independent Director of Medical Monitoring for Class Members and provides information on the content of eligibility for, and signup procedures for the class member C8 medical monitoring program.
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