With summer weather setting in, many individuals in West Virginia and elsewhere may choose to park their vehicles and ride bicycles to and from their destinations. While riding a bike could help a person avoid high fuel costs while acting as a healthy means of travel, there are some risks involved, as motor vehicle accidents involving cyclists can have devastating results. However, by adhering to safe cycling tips and procedures, one may be able to reduce the chances an accident will take place.
The first step to staying safe as a cyclist pertains to taking measures to prepare to ride a bicycle near traffic. Prior to hitting the open road, a person may find it helpful to inspect his or her bike to ensure all parts are in proper working order. One may also find it advisable to equip the necessary safety gear such as a helmet before heading out, as this could be all that stands between a person and the pavement in the event a crash occurs.
Understanding the rules of the road is also essential to staying safe while riding a bike near traffic. While cyclists share many of the same rights to the road as drivers of motor vehicles, assuming another driver will adhere to these rules and yield right of way is never advisable. Cyclists may also find it helpful to seek out ways to become more visible in traffic, such as wearing bright clothing and ensuring one’s bike is equipped with the necessary lights and reflectors.
Motor vehicle accidents involving bicycles run a high risk of leaving a cyclist with serious injuries. Those who suffer severe harm due to the negligent actions of another party may wish to exercise their right to pursue restitution through the civil justice system, but they might need guidance in navigating the process. Fortunately, there are attorneys who can evaluate the incident and assist a person in West Virginia in pursuing the full amount of restitution deserved through a personal injury claim.