Distracted driving or drunk driving are dangerous behaviors that increase the chance of crashes or injuries for every West Virginia driver. While the use of a cell phone certainly increases the chance of motor vehicle accidents, other behaviors can be just as dangerous. Researchers found that strong emotions can also have a negative impact on a person’s ability to drive safely.
Cell phone use is commonly associated with distracted driving. Texting or talking on the phone are distracting, but other activities that steal a driver’s focus include changing clothes, adjusting the radio and putting on makeup. Studies have found that teenagers are especially prone to dangerous driving related to distraction.
Researchers found that drivers who are dealing with strong emotions have a higher risk of car accidents, a risk that is actually 10 times higher than emotionally stable drivers. By comparison, speeding increases the risk of an accident by 13 times. Emotions that may impact driving include anger, sadness, agitation or even the action of crying. Despite the cause of the accident, whether it was related to the use of a phone or simply poor judgement behind the wheel, victims have the right to explore the option of a personal injury claim.
A West Virginia lawyer can evaluate the case and determine what legal options are available to a victim or his or her family. It is possible to hold distracted drivers accountable for their actions and seek the compensation needed for a full recovery. A full explanation of possible legal remedies is available by seeking a case evaluation from a lawyer experienced in cases involving motor vehicle accidents.
Source: medicaldaily.com, “Distracted Driving: Cell Phones, Car Touchscreens, And Emotional States Increase Your Risk Of Crashing“, Lecia Bushak, Feb. 22, 2016